Monday, July 14, 2008


So i've been in Sikkim, and West Bangel India for about 3 weeks now. I met up with 4 Others from my church (Robb, Bob, Mark, and Bryn A.K.A. Poncho) and along with pastor Selas who oversees the vinyard chuches in this area and 2 translators Ramesh and his wife Salva and their daughter Brehana visited Mucrung who our church is thinking of partnering with and some of the other churches in sikkim. I made really good friends with Ramesh who is 26 and acouple years ago won gold in a national Boxing championchip. and was scrdulaed to go start fighting internationaly but had a daughter so he quit. every chuch we went to we chalanged to a Soccer match. We ended with a 2-1 record, not bad though most of our goald were scored by the indian players in our team. and most of the other team were just wearing sandals. I got one goal, not to shabby. All of our games were played on the side of mountans and 2 of 3 were in the rain, as sikkim is made up of mountans and its rainy season. It Really is such a beautiful place. and so after everybody 3 of the team left back to winnipeg on July 6 me and Bryn went to pedong where we stayed 3 nights at and orphanage run by the church. and now i'm in namchi staying with pastor Selas and spending time with Ramesh and Salva. I gave my second sermon here in Namchi on sunday. I've got to go to several diffrent peoples homes around here for dinner. anyway things have been goin really great over here and i'm excited to go back to Kathmandu on July 16

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