Monday, July 28, 2008

Back home, well kinda?

So I'm back in Katmandu and its nice to be back. Nathan, Ben, and Bryn from the Winnipeg center vineyard are here now too. Though sikkim was really nice it was exciting to get back to this dirty city. Before i left i went to the Nepal immigration office and talked to some not so helpful staff and kinda figured out how i'd only be able to get a 30 day max visa at the boarder then have to try to get another 60 days at immigration. When i got to the boarder on July 16 that day they just changed the visa rules at the boarder. They with no problem but some time as they were still figureing out how to give it to me gave me a 90 day visa at the boarder. thanks GOD.
We had a momo party here the other day that was pretty awesome. momos are like a meat pirogies and probably the favorite new food from this side of the world. The boys here know how to make them and so we spent pretty much the whole day making a huge amount of them then a good part of the night eating them. and so i'm back here in Kathmandu happy to be a part of house groups through the week and hanging out with Shem, the boys and for the next week the other winnipegers. I'm so excited now to be planing a trip around rural nepal to some remote villages probably leaving on aug. 10 we'll be visiting 4 villages one of whitch i'll be the first white man ever to go to (fact i cant actually prove). 2 of the villages have a church the other 2 have some belivers. Its been great talking to Shem about the villages. When he first went to the villages to preach about Jesus their were no believers. They threatened to beat him and thretined to kill him but hes still alive and now they got christians their and some of them have churches. So I'm going to try my hand again with speaking to some of the villages. so please pray for me, Shem and the villages as we plan the trek.

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